
 最近、私達のサイクロフォスファマイド誘導性免疫寛容を臨床応用して「骨髄移植後エンドキサン(PT-Cy)法」という骨髄移植法が世界的に広まってきているそうです(院長のボヤキ参照)。Johns Hopkins UniversityEphraim Fuchs教授によればこの方法の臨床応用により主要組織適合抗原(HLA)が一致しない組み合わせでの骨髄移植が可能になり、数百数千人の患者さんが救われたそうです(personal communication)。日本では私の後輩で九大一内出身、現在は北大血液内科の教授にになっている豊嶋崇徳(てしまたかのり)先生が日本で最初の200例ほどをやられているようです。いわゆるGVHHVGを両方向性に抑制できるのが良い、そそて何より安上がりな点が良いのではないかと思います。そして現在ではこのPT-Cy法は日本国中にも広まって保険適応にするかしないか、というところまできているようです。
 ご興味のある方は私が20年以上前に書いた日本語の総説(サイクロフォスファミド誘導性免疫寛容:日外会誌 97(12):1097-1108, 1996を読んでください。

更新 眞弓久則

Hisanori MAYUMI, M.D.

December 15, 2006

Original (Clinical studies)
General Surgery
1.   Okudaira Y, Sugimachi K, Mayumi H, Ikeda M, Tamada R, Inokuchi K, Kuwano H,
      Enjoji M. Esophageal carcinoma associated with neurofibromatosis: a case report.
      Jpn J Surg 1981;11:189-192.
2.   Mayumi H, Kimura S, Asano M, Shimokawa T, Au-Yong T, Yayama T.
      Intravenous cimetidine as an effective treatment for systemic anaphylaxis and
      acute allergic skin reactions. Ann Allergy 1987;58:447-450.
3.   Takeuchi M, Nakayama J, Nagae S, Hamada M, Hori Y, Mayumi H, Shiraishi
      K, Yasui H, Matsuda K, Takahashi S, Kiryu H. A case of metastatic malignant
      melanoma of the leg treated with hyperthermic limb perfusion. Proceeding of
      the 8th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Dermatology. 1993; 8: 525-529.
4.   Nakayama J, Takeuchi M, Mayumi H, Nagae S, Matsuda K, Yasui H, Takahashi S,
      Hori Y. Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion with intraarterial administration
      of carboplatin and/or interferon-b or the treatment of malignant melanoma of
      the leg. J Dermatol 1994; 21:915-922.
5.   Nakayama J, Takeuchi M, Mayumi H, Nagae S, Matsuda K, Yasui H, Takahashi S,
      Hori Y. Two cases of metastatic malignant melanoma of the lower limb treated
      with hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion and concomitant infusion of either
      carboplatin or b-interferon. J Dermatol 1996; 23:6-15.
6. Nakayama J, Nakao T, Mashino T, Nagae S, Hori Y, Mayumi H, Tominaga R,
      Yasui H, Matsuda K, Takahashi S. Kinetics of immunological parameters
      in patients with malignant melanoma treated with hyperthermic isolated
      limb perfusion. J Dermatol Science 1997; 15: 1-8.
7. Tominaga R, Kohno H, Mayumi H, Shiraishi K, Nagae S, Nakayama J,
      Yasui H. Current techniques of hyperthermic isolated limb persuion for
      Malignant Melanoma. Surg Today 2000; 30: 339-342.
Cardiovascular Surgery
1.   Mayumi H, Orita Y, Matsui K, Meno H, Nakamura M, Tokunaga K. Multiple
      cardiac papillary fibroelastomas: Preoperative two-dimensional echocardio-
      graphic recognition. J Cardiovasc Ultrasonograph 1982;1:325-328.
2.   Kaseda S, Koiwaya Y, Tajimi T, Mitsutake A, Kanaide H, Takeshita A, Kikuchi Y,
      Nakamura M, Mayumi H, Komori M, Tokunaga K. Huge false aneurysm due to
      rupture of the right coronary artery in Behcet's syndrome. Am Heart J 1982;103:
3.   Mayumi H, Tanaka J, Tokunaga K. A case report of communication of the
      coronary sinus with both atria associated with persistent left superior vena cava.
      Jpn J Surg 1984;14:1-5.
4.   Mayumi H, Matsuzaki K, Kawachi Y, Kinoshita K, Tominaga R, Tokunaga K.
      Novel method of valve replacement with interrupted sutures using protractor
      rings for the partitioning of a prosthetic sewing ring. Artif Organs 1991;15:503-506.
5.   Kinoshita K, Matsuzaki K, Mayumi H, Aso T, Masuda M, Kawachi Y, Tokunaga K.
      A new aspect of coronary artery spasms induced by cardiac surgery. Jpn J Surg 1991;
6.   Mayumi H, Toshima Y, Tokunaga K. Pretreatment with H2-blocker famotidine
      ameliorates protamine-induced hypotension in open-heart surgery. J Cardiovasc
      Surg 1992;33:738-745.
7.   Mayumi H, Tokunaga K. Constant intravenous infusion of chlorpromazine for
      both sedation and after-load reduction in the postcardiotomy patients under
      intraaortic balloon pumping. Jpn Heart J 1992;33:61-71.
8.   Toshima Y, Matsuzaki K, Mitani A, Kohno H, Mayumi H, Kawachi Y, Yasui H,
      Tokunaga K. The myocardial recovery mode after cold storage for transplantation
      with Collins' solution and the cardioplegic solution; a functional and metabolic
      study in the rat heart. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992;104:1320-1328.
9.   Toshima Y, Kohno H, Nakamura Y, Mayumi H, Yasui H, Tokunaga K. Collins'              
      solution for cold storage of the heart for transplantation must be reversed with
      cardioplegic solution before reperfusion: A functional and metabolic study in
      the rat heart. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992;104:1572-1581.
10.  Mayumi H, Tokunaga K. Prostaglandin E1 for patients who have  both heart and
      lung failure after cardiotomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993;105:1120-1121.
11.  Tominaga R, Nakashima A, Fukumura F, Fukae K, Hisahara M, Morita S, Masuda
      M, Kohno H, Mayumi H, Kawachi Y, Yasui H, Tokunaga K. Left ventricular assist
      circulation in patients with postoperative cardiogenic shock. Ed. by Sezai Y,
      Artificial Heart II,  Harwood Academic Publishers, Tokyo, 1993, pp 155-162.
12.  Mayumi H, Matsui K. How to prevent pleural opening in harvesting the internal
      mammary arteries (Letter). Ann Thorac Surg 1993;56:395-396.
13.  Mayumi H, Matsui K, Matsuzaki K, Uchida T, Shinozaki K, Tokunaga K. Cellular
      kinetics of posttransfusion graft-versus-host disease after heart operations. J
      Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994;108:179-182.
14.  Nishida T, Mayumi H, Kawachi Y, Tokunaga S, Maruyama Y, Nakashima A,
      Yasui H, Tokunaga K. Efficacy of fluconazole in treating prosthetic valve 
      endocarditis caused by Candida glabrata: report of a case. Surg Today 1994;24:651-
15.  Mayumi H, Kawachi Y, Kohno H, Akaiwa Y, Hisahara M, Fukae K, Nakashima A,
      Yasui H. Drug infusion through a branch of the aortocoronary vein graft for
      refractory coronary spasm. Ann Thorac Surg 1994;58:869-871.
16.  Tokunaga S, Yoshitoshi M, Mayumi H, Nakano E, Toshima Y, Kawachi Y, Yasui H.
      Left ventricular-coronary sinus shunt through a septal aneurysm after mitral
      valve re-replacement. Ann Thorac  Surg 1995; 59:224-227.
17.  Mayumi H, Toshima Y, Kawachi Y, Tokunaga K, Yasui H. Simplified
      Manouguian's aortic annular enlargement for aortic valve replacement. Ann
      Thorac Surg 1995; 60:701-704.
18.  Mayumi H. Simplified technique for aortic annular enlargement during aortic
      valve replacement: Reply (Letter). Ann Thorac Surg 1996; 61: 1591-1592
19.  Mayumi H, Kawachi Y, Matsuzaki K, Tanoue S, Yasui H. Positive correlation
      between pericardial effusion and wound infection following open-heart surgery.
      Cardiovasc Surg (in press).
20.  Nakano T, Mayumi H, Morita S, Shiraishi K, Kanegae Y, Yasui H, Tokunaga K.
      Left atrial myxoma associated with severe congestive heart failure, pulmonary
      hypertension, and multiple organ insufficiency. Jpn Heart J 1995;36:829-834.
21.  Nakano T, Mayumi H, Hisahara M, Yasui H, Tokunaga K. Relationship between
      functional class, pulmonary artery pressure, and size of left atrial myxoma.
      Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 4:320-323.
22.  Kohno H, Kawachi Y, Tominaga R, Mayumi H, Masuda M, Morita S, Toshima Y,  
      Yasui H. Inflammatory response and graft dilatation after thoracic aortic reconst-
      ruction with the gelatin-coated knitted Dacron prosthesis. (submitted).
23.  Mayumi H, Zhang QW, Nakashima A, Masuda M, Kohno H, Kawachi Y, Yasui H.
      Synergistic immunosuppression caused by high-dose methylprednisolone and
      cardiopulmonary bypass. Ann Thorac Surg  1997; 63: 129-137.
24.  Mayumi H, Nakashima A, Nishimi M, Hirano A, Yamamoto E, Kawachi Y, Yasui
      H, Tokunaga K. Risk factors for posttransfusion graft versus host disease,
   mediastinitis, and late cardiac tamponade in heart surgery: survey of 119
   Japanese institutions. JJTCVS 2000; 48: 47-55.
1.    Mayumi H, Uchida T, Shinozaki K, Matsui K. Use of a dual chamber pacemaker
       with a novel fallback algorithm as an effective treatment for sick sinus syndrome
       associated with transient supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. PACE 1993;16:992-
2.    Mayumi H, Uchida T, Shinozaki K, Matsui K. Transient supraventricular
       tachyarrhythmia. Schlant RC ed. Year Book of Cardiology 1994, Mosby, St. Louis,
       1994; pp. 441-442.
3.    Mayumi H, Matsuzaki K, Kohno H, Matsui K, Kawachi Y, Yasui H. Effectiveness
       and limitations of the Fallback I algorithm for transient supraventricular
       tachyarrhythmias in DDD pacing. Artif Organs 1996; 20:810-814.
4.    Mayumi H, Kohno H, Matsuzaki K, Matsui K, Kawachi Y, Yasui H. Fallback II for
       transient supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in DDD pacing. (submitted).
5.    Mayumi H, Kohno H, Matsuzaki K, Matsui K, Kawachi Y, Yasui H. Use of   
       automatic mode change between DDD and AAI to facilitate native atrioventric-
       ular conduction in patients with sick sinus syndrome or transient atrioventric-
       ular block. PACE 1996; 19(Pt.II):1740-1747.
6.   Mayumi H. Fallbacks I and II for transient supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in
      DDD pacing. Abstract the Chorus II Investigator Meeting 1994: pp 27-30.
7.   Mayumi H. Permitting intrinsic conduction in case of sinus dysfunction: Memory
      plus: Chorus pacemaker diagnostic function for enhanced patient management.
      Ela Medical, Montrouge, 1996; pp. 1-2.
8.   Mayumi H, Matsuzaki K, Kohno H, Matsui K, Kawachi Y, Yasui H, Tokunaga K.
      Endless-loop tachycardias during DDD pacing (submitted).
Original (Basic research)
Drug-induced Immunological Tolerance

0. 真弓久則. サイクロフォスファミド誘導性免疫寛容.日外会誌 1996; 97: 1097-1108

1.   Shin T, Mayumi H, Himeno K, Sanui H, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance  to
      allografts in mice. I. Difference between tumor  and skin grafts. Transplantation
 2.   Mayumi H, Shin T, Himeno K, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to allografts in
       mice. II. Tolerance to tumor allografts of large doses associated with rejection
       of skin allografts and tumor allografts of small doses.  Immunobiology 1985; 169:
3.    Shin T, Himeno K,  Mayumi H, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to allografts
       in mice. III. Prolongation of skin graft survival by tolerance induction in
       congenic mice disparate in the major H-2 antigens. Transplantation  1985;39:333-
4.    Mayumi H, Himeno K, Shin T, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to allografts
       in mice IV. Mechanisms and kinetics of cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance.
       Transplantation 1985;39:209-215.
5.    Mayumi H, Kayashima K, Shin T, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to
       allografts in mice. V. Prolongation of skin graft survival in tolerant mice with
       combined immunosuppressive treatments. Transplantation 1985;39:335-337.
6.    Mayumi H, Himeno K, Shin T, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to allografts
       in mice. VI. Tolerance induction in H-2-haplotype-identical strain combinations
       in mice. Transplantation 1985;40:188-194.
7.    Mayumi H, Himeno K, Tokuda N, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to
      allografts in mice. VII. Optimal protocol and mechanism of cyclophosphamide-
       induced tolerance in an H-2-haplotype-identical strain combination. Transplant
       Proc 1986;18:363-369.
8.    Mayumi H, Himeno K, Tokuda N, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to
       allografts in mice. VIII. Effects of thymectomy and/or splenectomy on tolerance
       induction in an H-2-haplotype-identical strain combination. Transplantation
9.    Mayumi H, Himeno K, Tanaka K, Tokuda N, Fan J, Nomoto K. Drug-induced
       tolerance to allografts in mice. IX. Establishment of complete chimerism by
       allogeneic spleen cell transplantation from donors made tolerant to H-2 identical
       recipients. Transplantation 1986;42:417-422.
10.  Mayumi H, Himeno K, Tokuda N, Fan J, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to
       allografts in mice. X. Augmentation of split tolerance in murine combination
       disparate at both H-2 and non-H-2 antigens by the use of spleen cells from donors
       preimmunized with recipient antigens. Immunobiology 1987;174:274-291.
11.   Fan J, Mayumi H, Tokuda N, Himeno K, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance to
       allografts in mice. XI. Tolerance induction using F1 (donor x recipient) spleen
       cells as a tolerogen. Transplant Proc 1987;19:3513-3519.
12.   Mayumi H, Himeno K, Tanaka K, Tokuda N, Fan J, Nomoto K. Drug-induced
       tolerance to allografts in mice. XII. The relationships between  tolerance,
       chimerism and graft-versus-host disease. Transplantation 1987;44:286-290.
13.   Mayumi H, Tokuda N, Fan J, Himeno K, Nomoto K. Drug-induced tolerance
       to allografts in mice. XIII. Tolerance to the H-Y antigen. Transplant Proc 1987;19:
14.   Tokuda N, Gondo H, Mayumi H, Taniguchi K, Himeno K, Nomoto K. Drug-
       induced in vitro tolerance to allogeneic antigens. I. Establishment of tolerance
       induction system in a fully allogeneic murine combination. Transplantation
15.   Tokuda N, Mayumi H, Himeno K, Gondo H, Fan J, Nomoto K. Drug-induced in
       vitro tolerance to allogeneic antigens. II. Further analysis of in vitro tolerized
       spleen cells in a fully allogeneic murine combination. Transplantation 1988;45:
16.   Mayumi H, Nomoto K, Good RA. A surgical technique for experimental free
       skin grafting in mice. Jpn J Surg 1988;18:548-557.
17.   Mayumi H, Good RA. The necessity of both allogeneic antigens and stem cells for
       cyclophosphamide-induced skin allograft tolerance in mice. Transplant Proc
18.    Mayumi H, Good RA. The necessity of both allogeneic antigens and stem cells for
        cyclophosphamide-induced skin allograft tolerance in mice. Immunobiology      
19.    Mayumi H, Good RA. Induction of tolerance across major barriers using  a two-
        step method with genetic analysis of tolerance induction. Immunobiology 1989;
20.    Mayumi H, Good RA. Dependency of cyclophosphamide-induced skin allograft
        tolerance on age of adult recipient mice. Transplantation 1988;46:451-453.
21.    Mayumi H, Good RA. Long-lasting skin allograft tolerance in adult mice induced
        across fully allogeneic (multimajor H-2 plus multiminor histocompatibility) 
        antigen barriers by a tolerance inducing method using cyclophosphamide. J Exp
        Med 1989;169:213-238.
22.    Mayumi H, Tokunaga K. Cyclophosphamide-induced chimera-type tolerance to
        allografts: an overview of drug-induced immunological tolerance. Fukuoka
        Acta Med 1990;81:20-40.
23.    Eto M, Mayumi H, Tomita Y, Yoshikai Y, Nomoto K. Intrathymic clonal deletion
        of Vb6
+  T cells in cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance to H-2 compatible, Mls-
        disparate antigens. J Exp Med 1990;171:97-113.
24.    Tomita Y, Mayumi H, Eto M, Nomoto K. Importance of suppressor T cells in
        cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance to the non-H-2-encoded alloantigens: is
        mixed chimerism really required in maintaining a skin allograft tolerance?  J
        Immunol 1990;144:463-473.
25.    Eto M, Mayumi H, Tomita Y, Yoshikai Y, Nishimura Y, Nomoto K. Sequential
        mechanisms of cyclophosphamide-induced skin allograft tolerance including
        the intrathymic clonal deletion followed by late breakdown of the clonal
        deletion. J Immunol 1990;145:1303-1310.
26.    Eto M, Mayumi H, Tomita Y, Yoshikai Y, Nishimura Y, Nomoto K. The
        requirement of the intrathymic mixed chimerism and clonal deletion for a long-
        lasting skin allograft tolerance in cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance.  Eur J
        Immunol 1990;20:2005-2013.
27.    Eto M, Mayumi H, Tomita Y, Yoshikai Y, Nishimura Y, Ando T, Nomoto K. Specific
destruction of host-reactive mature T cells of donor origin prevents
        graft-versus-host disease in cyclophosphamide-induced tolerant mice. J
        Immunol 1991;146:1402-1409.
28.    Nishimura Y, Mayumi H, Tomita Y, Eto M, Maeda T, Nomoto K. Recombinant
        human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor improves the compromised state
        of recipient mice without affecting the induction of specific tolerance in the
        cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance system. J Immunol 1991;146:2639-2647.
29.    Mayumi H, Good RA. Recent state of cyclophosphamide-induced skin allograft
        tolerance in mice (Letter). Immunobiology 1991;182:323-333.
30.    Eto M, Mayumi H, Nishimura Y, Maeda T, Yoshikai Y, Nomoto K. Similarity
        and difference in the mechanisms of neonatally induced tolerance and
        cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance in mice. J Immunol 1991;147:2439-2446.
31.    Mayumi H, Nomoto K. A major difference in the mechanisms of neonatally
        induced tolerance and cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance (Letter).
        Transplantation 1992;53:499.
32.   Umesue M, Mayumi H, Nishimura Y, Kong YY, Omoto K, Murakami Y, Nomoto  
       Ke, Nomoto Ki. Xenogeneic (rat to mouse) skin tolerance induced by
       monoclonal antibodies, xenogeneic cells, and cyclophosphamide. Transplant
       Proc 1995; 27:315-316.
33.   Umesue M, Mayumi H, Nishimura Y, Kong YY, Omoto K, Murakami Y, Nomoto
       K. Donor-specific prolongation of rat skin graft survival induced by rat-donor
       cells and cyclophosphamide under coadministration of monoclonal antibodies
       against T cell receptor ab and natural killer cells in mice. Transplantation 1996;
34.   Mayumi H, Umesue M, Nomoto K. Cyclophosphamide-induced immunological
       tolerance: an overview. Immunobiology 1996; 195: 129-139.
35.   Zhang QW, Mayumi H, Umesue M, Tomita Y, Nomoto K, Yasui H. Fractionated
       dosing of cyclophosphamide for establishing long-lasting skin allograft survival,
       stable mixed chimerism, and intrathymic clonal deletion in mice primed with
       allogeneic spleen cells. Transplantation 1997; 63: 1667-1673.

36. Mayumi H. A Review of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Transplantation Tolerance in Mice
and Its Relationship With the HLA-Haploidentical Bone Marrow Transplantation/Post-
Transplantation Cyclophosphamide Platform.
Front. Immunol., 29 September 2021

37. Mayumi H. An old researcher challenges the empirical timing of Cy-treatment in the clinical
haplo-identical bone marrow transplantation followed by high-dose cyclophosphamide
Open Acc J Bio Sci. December- 5(2): 1340-1343

Other Transplantation Immunology
1.   Nomoto K, Mayumi H, Himeno K, Watanabe Y, Mitani M, Tokuda N. Allograft
      rejection and immune responses against allogeneic antigens in neonatally
      thymectomized mice. Transplantation 1985;41:209-213.
2.   Tomita Y, Himeno K, Mayumi H, Tokuda N, Nomoto K. Establishment of a
      novel method to induce tolerance in adult mice across fully allogeneic (entire
      H-2 plus multiminor histocompatibility) antigen barriers, using supralethal
      irradiation followed by injection of syngeneic bone marrow cells plus (donor x
      recipient) F1 spleen cells. Immunobiology 1989;179:214-229.
3.   Tomita Y, Himeno  K, Mayumi H, Tokuda N, Nomoto K. Nature of tolerance
      in adult recipient mice made tolerant of alloantigens with supralethal irradiation
      followed by syngeneic bone marrow cell transplantation plus injection of F1
      spleen cells. Transplantation 1989;47:1021-1029.
4.   Tokuda N, Mayumi H, Sakumoto M, Himeno K, Tomita Y, Nomoto K. The
      effect of T cell-depletion from spleen cell allografts on graft-versus-host disease
      and long-term immune reconstruction in H-2 haplotype-identical murine
      combinations. Immunobiology 1989;179:328-341.
5.   Tomita Y, Mayumi H, Nomoto K. Effects of thymectomy on skin allograft rejection
      in adult recipient mice treated with supralethal irradiation followed by syngeneic
      bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation 1989;48:516-519.
6.   Tomita Y, Mayumi H, Nomoto K. Synergism between injection of F1 spleen cells
      and thymectomy on maintenance of skin allograft tolerance in adult recipient
      mice treated with supralethal irradiation followed by syngeneic bone marrow cell
      transplantation. Transplant Proc 1990;22:251-256.
7.   Tomita Y, Mayumi H, Eto M, Nomoto K. Tumor allograft rejection is mainly
      mediated by CD8
+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes stimulated with class-I alloantigens in
      cooperation with CD4
+ helper T cells recognizing class-II alloantigens. J Immunol
General Immunology
1.   Sakumoto M, Himeno K, Mayumi H, Kawamura I, Nomoto K. Early develop-
      ment of the T cell subset responsible for delayed-type hypersensitivity after
      syngeneic bone marrow transplantation. Transplant Proc 1989;21:3455-3460.
2.   Hussain A, Himeno K, Mayumi H, Kawamura I, Tsuru S, Nomoto K. Immuno-
      modulatory effects of cholera toxin in mice. Nat Immun Cell Growth Regul
3.   Hussain A, Mayumi H, Taniguchi K, Tanaka K, Nomoto K. Long-term effects of
      adult-thymectomy on natural killer activity and spontaneous tumor incidence.
      Jpn J Exp Med 1990;60:273-278.
4.   Hussain A, Himeno K, Mayumi H, Kishihara K, Tsuru S, Nomoto K. Differential
      effects of cholera toxin administration on cytokine production in mice. Pakist J
      Pathol 1993; 4: 7-13.
5.   Hussain A, Mayumi H, Tsuru S, Nomoto K. Similarities and differences in
      immunological actions of cholera toxin and glucocorticosteroid. Pakist J Med Res
      1993; 32: 108-121.
